Saturday, August 3, 2013

And still more pictures...some of them have ID's thanks to others on the interwebs. The dept. store is Denholm and McKay, Worcester Massachusetts. The city scene is Boston at Washington and Milk St. probably around 1938 or so. No other info on the other pictures.


  1. Thanks for posting these pictures. I was just wondering where you found the ones of Denholm and McKay? Do you have any more?

  2. The pics were mixed in with other negatives in my collection. I have not seen any others, but I am still searching them. Your blog is great BTW!!

  3. Thanks so much! I love seeing the photos you have as well. This is great stuff you have in your collection.

  4. If you want to use the Denholm pictures for your blog you are more than free to do so!!
